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Colon Classification by(Vikram kumar)

Colon Classification is one of the most systematic schemes of Library Classifications used in many libraries in India and a few libraries abroad as well. This was devised by the late Dr. S.R. Ranganathan. He found the existing scheme of library classification unable to cope with the multidimensional dynamic growth of universe of subjects. Colon Classification proceeds in a different manner in spite of enumerating all possible subjects and their subdivisions, it analyses the subject in its various components and places them under five fundamental categories known as personality, matter, energy, space and time. To connect or to synthesize the various components of a subject, different connection symbols have been provided. Readymade class numbers are also available, but to build a class number, one has to analyze and pick up the possible isolates belonging to different fundamental categories which are then put together with the help appropriate connecting symbols. Colon Classification involves analysis and synthesis that is why it is known as the ‘Analytico-synthetic’ scheme of classification. The number building makes the scheme somewhat complicated and difficult to work with, but once understood and followed it works efficiently and effectively. The Colon Classification is a general scheme which aims to classify by subject all kinds of documents- books, periodicals, reports, pamphlets, microforms and electronic media in all kinds of libraries. CC is al and mark in the modern classification thought and has greatly influenced the modern classification research and developments.
History of Colon Classification:
Shiyali Ramamrita Ranganathan, the author of Colon Classification began his career as a teacher of mathematics. However, in 1924, he was appointed Librarian of the University of Madras. He went to England in 1924 to study library science at the University of London, School of Librarianship. Dissatisfied with the existing schemes of library classification, his experience led him “to think that a change was necessary for the basic principles on which schemes of classification are established. While in London, Ranganathan designed a layout for the new scheme and constructed the schedules of a few subjects for different facets as samples. In about a year, he found the colon device to be extremely useful. With the help of few subject specialists, the schedules were completed in 1927. In 1932, the scheme was ready to be printed. Thus, in 1933, the first edition of colon classification was released. Till now, six editions including the reprinting of 6th edition, published in 1963of CC have been published.

Different Editions of Colon Classification:
The Colon Classification (CC) first designed from 1924 to 1928 and published first in 1933 by the Madras Library Association is now in its 7th edition released in 1987. The sixth edition still the most popular one was published in 1960. A reprint with some amendments contained in and a nexus was issued in 1963. This manual aiming to be a guide to the use of CC -6, explains the construction of class numbers by this edition (1963) which was reprinted in 1964 and 1969 by its publishers Asia Publishing House Bombay. Since 1989 this edition with annexure has been reprinted many times by the Sarda Ranganathan Endowment for Library Science.

1st Edition
2st Edition
3rd Edition
4th Edition
5th Edition
6th Edition
7th Edition
Notational System:
The Notational System of Colon Classification used for assigning numbers to basic subjects consists of:
·         23 Roman small letters (a…z excluding i, l, o)
·         10 Indo-Arabic numerals (0-9)
·         26 Roman Capital letters (A–Z)
·         Bracketed numbers
·         Indicator digit hyphen (-) and asterisk (*)
Z, 0 (zero) or 9 (nine) is used to represent an empty digit. T, V, X & Z are used as emptying digits, however, when these occur as an initial digit, then they are deemed semantically rich digit. U, W, & Y have been postulated as an empty-emptying digit.
The notational system used by CC to assign numbers to isolate as spectators consist of the following:
1.       Ten Indo-Arabic numerals(0—9)
2.       Twenty Six Roman capital letters (A—Z)
3.       Twenty-Six Roman small letters (a—z excluding i, l, o)
4.       Bracketed Numbers
5.       Indicator digits * ” ) & ‘ . ; ,-= + (
Colon Classification Index:
The index of CC refers only to elementary terms, never to compound subjects. The relative aspects of a subject are provided only in the form of class numbers, not being named as in DDC or UDC. CC6 has provided the following four indexes: General Index; Geographical Index; Two Indexes to Natural Groups in Botany and Zoology. The entries have has been arranged by word by word order following the principle of nothing before something.


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